Medieval Islamic history is dominated by Turco-Mongolian dynasties. One of the most impactful of these was the Timurids. Named after its ferocious and legendary founder Timur, who would take his armies across Central Asia, Persia, India, Russia and the Middle East - vanquishing anybody that stood in his way. In the wake of his death in 1405, his successors fought over the scraps of empire, leading to its political decline over the next century. Despite this, Timurid cities such as Herat and Samarkand retained its place as centres of learning and art, inaugurating a period referred to as the Timurid Renaissance. At the same time as civil wars between family members were destroying the territorial integrity of the realm, incredible buildings were being constructed and leading scholars were finding patronage. This is the story of the Timurids.

Big thank you to Nomads & Empires Podcast for his help with the script. Check out his podcast: