EsfandAashena 's Recent Surveys
Are things better now under Rouhani than they were during Ahmadinejad?
EsfandAashena | 10 years ago
1 909
What do you think about Maryam Namazie taking her clothes off?
EsfandAashena | 11 years ago
5 1148
What should I do with the movie 300 sequel stealing my cologne slogan?
EsfandAashena | 11 years ago
3 1083
2 men found guilty of trying to kill Iranian-American journalist
Viroon | 9 hours ago
0 39
Category: None
Inside the 'Woman, Life, Freedom' protest movement in Iran | DW Documentary
Viroon | 9 hours ago
0 34
Category: None
Dear Esfand
Initially I did not like your question. However I think there are some points in it.
Everyone tries to solve a problem in different ways. This is her way. Not very bright but never less a way. A fact some may never consider is that IRI treats women in a way that women think they don't own their own body. Not unusual from dictators point of view but in our modern world it is not accepted.
However, I am dying to ask people like her how many times she faced a representative of IRI in Paris or New York and questioned them about human right? I don't think anyone of the people who use this site, with the exception of DK or JJ, ever done that. If you think about it people like fred never face IRI politicians outside Iran but then they blog everyday. I think this is very strange.
Maryam Namazie will be appreciated a lot more if she face these people with the support of reporters. I think it is far better than showing here pubics in public.
Namazie is a nobody but Farah Dibah was somebody. Few years ago Azadeh Forghani a women's rights activist in Iran wrote this letter to Farah asking her to save her breath. Women's rights in Iran will be advanced by people who are note worthy, not those who pretend.
I undrestand her frustration and her message but I am not quite sure showing your vagina in public is a right method or message! I have yet to see the private parts of ann sang suchi, mandela, martin luter king and ghandi and yet their message is still alive and resonating years after they are gone.
Mandela, MLK or Gandi are among handful of individuals who not only stared tyranny head-on but lead their respective nations to freedom and the promised land. They are in no way connected to this discussion.
Sure I posted this survey and this cartoon that can be shared which means more exposure for her. I did the same for Shahs of Sunset. Does that make Shahs of Sunset relevant? I don't even watch that show anymore.
It would be very scary if Mandela did that!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL