Iran International:

Iran's absence of regulation is seeing children as young as toddlers exploited online as desperate families use unscrupulous measures to make ends meet amid the country's economic crisis.

Children, often as young as toddlers, are being used to create content for social media on platforms such as Instagram with some posts earning as much as $200 for better known 'influencers,' the equivalent of an average month's salary in Iran.

The desire for visibility, fame, and most importantly, income, is at the heart of the trend. Some parents generate revenue by documenting every aspect of their children’s lives since their birth.

Research done by Iran International on some of these pages shows that advertising rates can vary. A story to advertise a product might cost around $100, but if the child plays with a toy or wears the advertised diapers, the cost can rise to $200. Depending on the promotion method, prices can range between $10 to $1000.

"Child labor in the digital space, where children are engaged in income-generating activities while dressed neatly and fashionably, has been overlooked by many," wrote Nazila Ansaripour, a social affairs expert from Isfahan, in a report by Mehr News Agency on Sunday.

Until a few years ago, child labor involved things like selling flowers and gum at intersections or those working in underground workshops.

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