Ever since the reconstitution of the historic state of Israel, at one time or another, all her neighbors, near and far, have tried to get rid of her.

Tries by the combined armies of the Arab countries, constant terrorist operations and even the 38 years and counting vow by the Islamist fascists- “reformers” and all- rulers of Iran to “wipe Israel off the map” has not impeded her to remain the one and only flourishing democracy in the Middle East.

Up until the disastrous eight year Obama presidency, when his appeasement policy toward Islamist fascists allowed them to openly pursue their armed hegemony of the region trough fanning the internecine Sunni-Shiite conflict, which precipitated the rise of ISIS, status quo, Israel being enemy number one for Arabs stayed intact.

However, for the very first time in history, to confront the warmongering Islamist fascists in Iran, a so called “Arab NATO” which includes Turkey is taking shape.  And more significantly, a working relationship has been established between them and Israel.

Keeping in mind that Iran is historic, cultural and strategic ally of Israel, this new arrangement between Arabs and Israel will be tactical, the long-term stability and peace in the region is in the reestablishment of alliance between Iran and Israel.

In other words; Israel owes Iranians and herself the carefulness in any future policy toward the warmongering Islamist fascists, who are brutalizing the Iranian people and the country of Iran, to make certain the people are exempted from the Islamist fascist occupiers of Iran.


Sanction works, U.S. Senate, get to it

Ps; Netanyahu’s recent message to the Iranian people states this separation of Iran from the Islamist fascists, lets hope this policy is implemented by all other countries.