In Iran, for the past forty years, gender apartheid and its 24/7 ever-present symbol, the forced Hijab, has been opposed in myriad of ways by Iranian women, and some men, whose number is exponentially on the rise.

Under the gender apartheid law, regardless of age, achievements or what have you, women are legally considered sub-human requiring male guardian.  Little girls, as young as eight year old, are legally married by old men; the Islamist fascists’ own numbers talk about ate least 25,000 widowed children, who have to care for their own child(ren). Women are legally rented hourly for sex (sigheh) and are barred from the most mundane activities like riding a bike or attending sports even. 

Taking it all off and publishing their naked picture has been one of the ways some Iranian actresses and political/social activists, who have fled/immigrated to the free world, confront and highlight the uber-mysoginistic gender apartheid laws.

The ruling Islamist fascists and their likeminded misogynists use the social taboo of women going naked as a weapon in their forced hijab policy; these brave Iranian women are after breaking that taboo and disarming the misogynists.

The latest one of these socially conscientious people is Fa’eze Alavi, who prior to immigration to Australia two year ago, all wrapped up in multi wrapping hijab (picture here) was a star in one of the serials on the Islamist fascists’ nationwide television network.

After the demise of the unreformable, expansionist and warmongering Islamist fascism, time will come when the bravery of these stupid taboo shattering, anti-misogyny women will be better appreciated.

Airtight sanctions - which includes oil - a la against the despicable South Africa apartheid, works. U.S. lawmakers get to it.