Iran International:

A media outlet that publishes official news about Mahmoud Ahmadinejad confirmed many details of Iran International's report on a failed assassination attempt against the former president and has called for an official response.

According to the exclusive report by Iran International, on the afternoon of July 15, Ahmadinejad and his entourage were headed to Zanjan to participate in a religious ceremony. Before departure, the head of the security team checked a recently repaired Land Cruiser intended for Ahmadinejad and, complaining that the air conditioner was not properly fixed, requested Ahmadinejad to ride in another Land Cruiser.

In Mehr-e-Farda's report, published on the media's X account, it was mentioned that despite the original plan for Ahmadinejad to travel in the recently repaired Land Cruiser, the head of security decided that the former president should ride in another vehicle, while some members of the security team took the targeted Land Cruiser.

According to the channel affiliated with Ahmadinejad’s office, the security team realized mid-journey that the steering and brakes of the Land Cruiser were malfunctioning. The vehicle collided with other cars and eventually stopped on the side of the highway.

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