Fred 's Recent Blogs
Iranians, hate & Israel tide / video
Fred | 5 years ago
4 1295
Thank you Trump/video
Fred | 5 years ago
11 1268
Misogynist Western women against Iranian women /video
Fred | 5 years ago
2 1118
The Jerusalem Post: Trump's refugee ban is keeping out 700 persecuted Iranian Jews
Faramarz | 29 minutes ago
0 7
Category: None
Newsweek: Elon Musk's Chatbot Says There's a Strong Chance Trump Is 'Russian Asset'
Faramarz | 9 hours ago
0 24
Category: None
The end of shared values? Europeans grapple with Trump's America • FRANCE 24 English
Viroon | 18 hours ago
0 51
Category: None
!اسمال در نیویورک, ابوطالبی نه
what a dissapointment for the usuall lefty, peacenics, anti american, anti capitalist, anti imperalist, anti this and that. what do all these fine institutions of learning going to do now without the seminars on dialogue oif civilizations and understanding of islam nabe mohammadi.
..."we have chosen our ambassador...."
Seems like to qualify for anything in the cockroach gov'ment, you need only be a "thug"!
Dear COP- You're mistaken. This guy is certainly qualified to be a diplomat. He is very familiar with the diplomatic process, and by that I mean he has seen the inside of an a wall climbing, hostage taking thug. :-)
Kudos to the US Senate for blocking this terrorist from entering America! One done and many thousands to go.....! There are many more IRI terrorists (dubbed as diplomats) who freely roam around DC and NY who should be rounded up and put in jail and later deported!
Oh That is alright though. I am sure he's got some girlfrined , somebody whom he has knocked up who can vouch for him and take care of things.
In fact this is the transcript of fthe telephone conversation that was just released: hellooo...kateee...loook...dey are beeiing tuff on me...can uu...vood you peeleeze do someteeng? call your caaboy berother maybee hee can do someteeng...
They should Let the Guy from Burkinafaso Represent Iran. It is for the best.