On International Human Rights Day

December 10, 1945 was the day the General Assembly of the United Nations proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).  Campaign For Human rights In Iran, a democratic organization committed to human rights advocacy, celebrates the Human Rights Day and restate its purpose of supporting human rights struggle in Iran and promoting the culture of human rights among Iranian dissidents both at home and abroad. We urge all Iranians opposed to the theocratic Fascists who rule their country to put defense and behavioral respect for human rights at the heart of their efforts in exposing the crimes of Iran’s clerical regime as well as in their interaction and behavior toward each other. For human rights reflect the most fundamental norm we share – our common humanity. On this Human Rights Day , we reaffirm the universality and indivisibility od all rights, as we stand up for human rights for all.

Seventy- five years after the defeat of Hitler’s Fascism and proclamation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) the Islamic Republic of Iran is committing the kind of criminal acts that could be compared with Hitler’s genocidal atrocities.  The UDHR emphasizes  the global and transnational nature of its principles. Iran signed the Declaration in 1948 but today  the Fascist theocracy ruling the  the country reject  the very idea of individual rights and claim that citizens have duties and obligations dictated by religious laws or by the theocratic rulers who claim to be “the viceroys of god on earth.”

Over the past forty- three years Iran’s Fascist clerics have ignored numerous resolutions and recommendations of the United Nations Human Rights Council as well as the  reports of International human rights organizations thoroughly documenting the theocracy’s  abominable human rights record such as mass execution of political prisoners, torture, forced confession and rape of female prisoners. In the past three months that a historic nationwide  rebellion proclaiming “woman, life and freedom” as its  guiding principle is calling for abolition of theocracy the repressive agents of the regime have arrested over 15, 000 dissidents, killed over 500 demonstrators and wounded numerous individuals for participating in the rebellion. The theocracy is waging war against Iranian women and men who reject the absurd idea of mandatory veiling and condemn the regime for  its economic corruption as well as unjust  socioeconomic policies. There is no independent judiciary in Iran and the armed forces of the country function the way Hitler’s Gestapo treated the opponents of Fascism. Campaign for Human Rights In Iran urges all international human rights organizations and distinguished personalities famous for their human rights activism to condemn the systematic violation of human rights in Iran and to support the courageous struggle of the Iranian people against theocratic Fascism.

Campaign For Human Rights In Iran

Signed by members of the executive directors of the organization