For the past 40 years, Iranians have been subjected to backbreaking sanctions, which have resulted in the creation of two distinct social classes in Iran.

The small Islamist fascist connected group has become fabulously rich, the rest of Iranians have by design become progressively poorer.

Today there is not much of a once growing middle class is left in Iran, the former middle class has been demoted to hand to mouth and the former poor are now in the abject poverty class.

In short; for forty years, Iranians have been under the brutal sanction of the unreformable, expansionist and warmongering Islamist fascists.

What the Islamist fascist lobbies like NIAC, and the opposition to international sanctions against the Islamist fascists, fail to mention and/or comprehend is the reality of the brutal sanctions the Islamist fascists have been imposing on the Iranian people for the past 40 years.

For years I’ve been one of those who advocate airtight, backbreaking sanctions against the Islamist fascists, like the one that facilitated and speeded up the demise of the despicable Apartheid regime in South Africa.

Lets hope after the eight disastrous years of Islamist appeaser-in-chief Obama, the twitter-in chief Trump does impose airtight sanctions on the Islamist fascists, making it nearly impossible for them to continue to pay armies of their lobbies abroad, murderous thugs in Iran and many other countries to continue as before.

Airtight sanctions - which includes oil - a la against the despicable South Africa apartheid, works. U.S. lawmakers get to it.