Unconfirmed reports have been circulating about the chief editor of the Persian section of the Voice of America having been summarily fired and escorted out of the building.

If these multiple reports pan out, it spells bad news for NIAC Lobby and its lifetime president Trita Parsi who represent the core interests of the Islamist fascists-“reformers” and all.

In his nearly four years at the job, Mohammad Manzarpour (piture above), made VOA Persian a bastion of Islamist fascists' lobbyists and sympathizers. Manzarpour used to work for the same Rafsanjani front company, Atieh-Bahar, as Trita Parsi and his number two man Mar’ashi did.

Lets hope this is a sign of rectifying Obama’s disastrous appeasement policy toward the unreformable, warmongering and uber-anti America Islamist fascists.  


Sanction works, U.S. Senate, get to it.