One can hope the public thrashing that CNN got from the president-elect Trump in his first news conference is a sign of things to come.

If outing, confronting and publically shaming, across the board, all the fake news networks like CNN is going to be the policy of the incoming American president, more power to him.

This election cycle in America should be a big warning sign to all the news outlets to change their ways and shapeup, otherwise, due to increasingly falling readership/viewers, soon or later they’ll have to ship out and close shop.

It is sad to see journalists have gotten comfy with slanting news to suit their own personal, or their corporate opinion, wrapped in news.

Chief among these fake news outlets is CNN, a network which has no shame in becoming a platform for fake news and outright lies.

Take a looksy at this piece of misinformation about a criminal on Interpol watch-list on CNN's site, not a single “editor’s” note about the author’s background as an accused accomplice in terrorism, nor, any facts about the lies he spews.

Lets hope in undoing the eight disastrous years of Obama presidency, the incoming president will use his bully pulpit to bring back the traditional journalism, that is, to be the public’s eyes and ears to keep the powerful in line, not to suck up to them and be their public relations outlets.


Sanction works, U.S. Senate, get to it.

Picture above; the assassination of Iranian dissidents in a Berlin restaurant by the Islamist fascists-“reformers” and all- assassins, who according to German investigation and court proceedings, were facilitated and got their weapons from the embassy where the author of this CNN piece was its ambassador.