Fred 's Recent Blogs
Iranians, hate & Israel tide / video
Fred | 5 years ago
4 1305
Thank you Trump/video
Fred | 5 years ago
11 1277
Misogynist Western women against Iranian women /video
Fred | 5 years ago
2 1124
Optimism from the White House and Kremlin is "all talk and zero action", says Wall Street Journal Editorial Board's Jillian Melchior.
Viroon | 12 hours ago
0 37
Category: None
Iran's rulers caught between Trump's crackdown and a fragile economy | REUTERS
Viroon | 12 hours ago
0 38
Category: None
Carl Jung on His Life-Long Loneliness and the Hidden Purpose Behind It
Viroon | 12 hours ago
0 33
Category: None
Why do Zionists favor Hillary? One keeps wondering until the madame puppet starts the third world war...
Dear Fred
I dont know of any iranian who'd compare Donald Trump with ahmadinezhad. Because all the Iranians I know are aware of the fact that there is not an iota of a difference between Ahmadinezhad the "funndementalist" and Hassan Rooh-ani, the "reformist". They are both terrorists, anti-american, anti Iranian and should never be trusted!
But I do know that there is a general atmosphere of fear amongst Islamic regime , reflected in the writing of it's cyber click whores, about the inevitable loss of Barak Hussein Obama next year!!!!
Not even close! Once agian a typical reaction from liberal idiots comparing apples and oranges.
Roya Kakian knows nothing!
This was like a Liberal-on-Hash kinda writing.
A very good and valid comparison. Khomeini didn't deceive Iranian people as much as they deceived themselves. Same thing is happening ins the US. As another example in addition to what she wrote, Khomeini wanted to export revolution to neighbouring countries, Trump wants to build a wall between US and Mexico. The uneducated public in their euphoria don't think about the practicalities of all those claims, just like Iran.
She swore allegiance to the flag of the United States only few years ago yet she finds it sufficient to judge millions of Americans born in America who support Trump, to call them -all of them- 'uneducated' as if you have to be democrat to be 'educated' or even American...what a pretentious little bastard!
Indeed Iran is cultivating pretentious little bastard in abundance!
Get educated a bit little lady.
I just wish there was a "Love button" I could press for benross' comment.
You don't necessarily need to be uneducated to support Trump. Just one of the following 2 would work:
- Redneck tendnecies (this covers a variety of ailments)
- Delusional Iranian - Just ask those who supported Dubya what he did for Iran duirng his 8 years as the Chimp in Chief!
I am a redneck camel jockey and I am proud of it! :-)
No, I believe you're just confused and belong to the delusional faction of the never-to-be-united diaspora of Eye-ranians!
Well, To be fair she is only expressing her own position on this, which is fine, But what she is totally leaving out is the frustration that is felt by the majority of Americans, educated or not. As we can see, Donald has been able to sway the blue-collar faction, the so-called rednecks, who regardless of their level of literacy, still are a part of this country like it or not.
Hey has anyone noticed how Sen. Cruz or Lying teddie calls Khamenei, Ayatollah "khameini" like a hybrid of Khomeini and Khamenei?:)) ha...ha... ha...?
And I just can not understand why my comment containing an expression of LOVE should invoke three hate filled red bilaakhs!!!
I guess the thought of having to chose between Hillari and Donald, the thought of not having an IRI style "Guardian Council" to select another IRI friendly US president regardless of the wishes of American people, is unbearably painful for some
To all the enemies of my great friend, Hamal! Caveat: I meant it's Eye ranian meaning! :-)))))))
I think she has a point about uneducated people (which is different to iliterate or unqualified people) supporting Trump. Just listen to the language used by his supporters and make your own judgement.
TRUMP 2016
Fred ofcourse !!! you & your centrist-globalist-zionist masters, simpleton elitist retards who hilariously patronize the undereducated masses & usefull cappacino idiots like susan sarandon would not comprehend the fury of american silent(very noisy now) majority who use Mr Donald J Trump as a tool of protest to the fking illuminati ruling class who pulls the string for axis of evil in america =1- republican establishment 2-democratic establishment & 3- the corporate corrupt media who does their daily bidding HateTrump infomercials disguised as news for them . The whole fking blue chip tailored election charade is disrupted by a bombastic clown outsider and all of a sudden CODE RED ALERT has been activated to destroy & demonize the unpredictable uncontrolable outsider before its too late . THE FORCES OF HELL HAVE BEEN UNLEASHED ON DJT BY rulling class big brother & its subcomponenets in parties & corporate corrupt elite media . The lesson = if you are an outsider dont ever dare to come into this well orchestrated election bubble chained to the thrilioner club who runs this fake show . And if you do, prepare to be ridiculed as clown on our owned media, demonized as hitler , racist, sexist, pathological lier, narcisist, & if you still havent learned you will be violated at your rallies by george soros paid thugs , attacked personaly at podiums , send death threats to your family & be demonized so much that even with enough delegates we can deny your candidacy and sell it to2/3rd of the ignorant public as a dignified stand against fascism . & in case it all fails we will get physical ! .
& YOU fred my globalist anti Kiaan ,anti ferdowsi , anti nation-states green loving friend as always jump right in to read sermons to the uneducated masses ,...WHY? ..well, because YOU ARE A FKING GENIOUS & know what is good for americans better than americans themselves .