Fred 's Recent Blogs
Iranians, hate & Israel tide / video
Fred | 5 years ago
4 1306
Thank you Trump/video
Fred | 5 years ago
11 1278
Misogynist Western women against Iranian women /video
Fred | 5 years ago
2 1124
Trump orders strikes on Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen | DW News
Viroon | 16 hours ago
0 43
Category: None
The reason that Fascist right(republican elite) & Fascist left(Democtratic elite & corporate status quo media are hell bound on writing him off & taking his down is the proof that they find him unpredictable & uncontrobale unlike their bought and paid for whores like obama, clinton, rubio bush & cruz. He does not have SUGAR DADDIES like the mainstream puppet candidates of corporate selected US election .
Donald J Trump will not let will of the people be circomvented by buncha susgar daddies .
A much needed semi revolution in the making.
Many IRanians are pro Trump NOT becasue he would or should or could be anti IRI!
IRI problem is an issue that ought to be resolved by people in Iran, remember!!!!
Americans of IRanian descent are pro Trump becasue they are seeing the country that they have come to adopt, love, and assimilate is going down the tube - national secuirty, economy, immigration, health care, ......are the issues......!
Now, if, in the process, Trump happens to chomaagh the IRI in @$$, all the better, but I am not going lose sleep on it.....!
The situation inside the GOP is very fluid. I won't be surprised to see Trump jettisoned by the Republican party's establishment in a few weeks' time...We'll see...However, no matter who in the Oval Office, the big change for Iran should be, and will be coming only and solely from within. That's all...
Iranians rooting for Trump has nothing to do with IRI, it has to do with issues affecting U.S from bad trade deals, to appaling infra struture , social, political and econmoic decline , sub standard health care and so on.
I just came back to U.S yesterday after a week of travel just to be greeted by a women wearing lachak (islmic garb) in a overcrowded airport past its prime, this is America of 2016 for you!
"Fred why don't you"?...Isn't the social media saturated with pro-Zionist 24/7 propaganda stuff?
my muslim amateur friend, its not all black&white . corporate mainstream media is not saturated with pro-zionists but wholy owned by liberal-centrist-zionists like warner bros of cnn to murdok, period . but what amateur muslim friend like you are missing is that they are all after what you ommaties are after in which they all want centrist, controlable moderates around the globe like Seyyed khattami or rouhani or moderate muslims leaders in ME .
You see, the corporate capitalist world No 1 ideology is to sell products and in that context the most ideal global environment is the mass assimilation of nations into a centrist , no risk customer base with no drama like Trump, Saddam, ahmadinejad, or controversial figures as they are dindeling in numbers . this is the exact reason that you see thrillioner corporate jews recruit & fund & saturate the mass media wih thousands of arabo-sabzollahi iranian moderates to lobby for a moderate islamic republic in waiting in mass media . thats centrist for you.
I think not-maximalist is on Netanyahu's payrole list!
You trust Trump to fix the healthcare "Industry" here?
Ex-Cop lets be realistic, we all know if Trump promises 10 things, at the most he may be able to deliver 3. That being said three things being done is better nothing being done. Healthcare is complex issue and no one really has any magical solution for it. Much of obama care (with an exception of pre existing coverage) sucks and it ruined many people's life since its implementation including a close friend of mine. so lets wait and see.
Yes it does.
It may not have a magical solution, but it sure does have A solution. Everybody has been talking about it and now even the top doctors and those in leadership position are advocating for it. They need to lower the cost of delivering the care, and that starts at the base, at the hospital, insurance companies. ALl that needs to happen is for them to stop colluding to raise costs astronomically.
Time to get this Mini some thumbs down...flying above the allowed and established altitude...
Dear Fred.
Trump has not yet clarified his position on Islamsit State of Iran. But what I can see his that mullahs $7 per hour cyber troll is very worried about him becoming the next president!
Trump does not even know were iran is. probably thinks it is one of his wife's friends.
Trump position on Iran will be the same as that of other right wing geneouses....can you say Dubya, the most destructive president in recent American history?