hamal 's Recent Blogs
I hear There is an island in the middle of Atlantic ocean where Muslims do not like to migrate to !
hamal | 8 years ago
3 1593
Photo exposing some die hard trump opponents.
hamal | 8 years ago
8 1638
Few facts about Austria, and her well known son Hitler!!
hamal | 8 years ago
4 1952
UN accuses Israel of ‘genocidal acts’ in Gaza for targeting reproductive healthcare facilities
Viroon | 16 hours ago
0 58
Category: None
Persia and Rome: Interactions and Trade Connections by Dr Vesta Sarkhosh Curtis
Viroon | 16 hours ago
0 35
Category: None
Yes. It looks like the First Amendment champion has found the comment delete and block button. :-))
I have no problem with people who can dish it out but can’t take it. It is their 1st Amendment right. The fact that they muzzle their opposition is the best indication of the erroneous nature and deceitful intention of whatever they’re championing.
However; I do wish this site would allow the deletion of the comments by the blogger to be reflected in the blog. Something like “this comment was deleted by the blogger.” Otherwise, no one would be the wiser to the dishonesty of the blogger making lofty claims of, for example, defending free speech.
I guess that is a new trend on this site we just going to have to get used to fellas.
My problem was not so much about he coontent of the letter as it was about the way it was written. It looked as if it was written by a junior highschool student. Sometimes some people, iranians specially, are so hooked on unloading their "justified" feelings of anger and express their sentimentailty that everything else goes pretty much out the window.
for someone who supposedly served on a multiple boards/committees and such, it is rather embarrassing to come across as a novice writer.
By the way It is good to see my old buddies here. Hiya mr. AO... Hi brother fred and HI mr. hammal.
This is is the dude formerly known as DoctorMohandes, signing off:)))
doctor41: Exactly! The tone of the letter was unprofessional and threatning and reminded me of infantile Trita or someone who just gof off the boat. Anyhow, I hope everyone is alamred enough to find out the truth and what the Islamic republic is planningto do to Westwood.
Excellent Hamal.
These "translation" services are popping up all over the place in large Iranian communities and their clients are either Iranians who can't write in Farsi and want to get their Iranian passport to visit Iran, or people who have some financial activity in Iran and need to get their ID/passport to be able to do so.
These services usually have a connection to a person in a mosque that can validate people's signature in guardianship or other financial matters. They also have some contacts in Iran like lawyers who are familiar with the judges in the Revolutionary Court (Daadgaah-e-Enghlab) for people who are trying to get their properties back or receive their retirements.
OH HAMAL, I am glad to post all the deleted comments on your blog. Unfortunately not one person argued issues. All they did was to engage in ad hominem tactics and giving me a position that is not remotely my position -supporter of IRI and a spy. It was pure garbage drivel. But I am happy to post it here. This is a perfect” home” for such garbage: Even Mr. Mohandas/Doctor poor guy who suddenly declares himself well versed and judge of good writing and, yet, fails miserably in the first rule of good rhetoric engages in ad hominem tactics.
Ripple effects posts porn Nazi prevision picture because he fails miserably in his argument , such a train wreck—there is no engagement; I did not want people to be exposed to the filth. But like I said. this is a much better place for these arguments here amongst you myopic insular backward world.
If anyone can argue on the issues in the letter and not just hurl insults of me being a spy and supporter of IRI regime, I welcome discussion. I don't welcome people who are crazy and off their meds as one cannot really argue with them. Or people who are so consumed for their hatred of IRI that they become and behave exactly like IRI zealots they immediately and falsely call someone spy and a foreign agent. You are exactly the same... Your non-sense and tyrannical hysteria imposing is just like the Iranian govt. You mirror each other. You don't want to abide to a law and enforce your value on to others.... But here you go :
Block | Follow | 5 hours ago
Can the United States have a consular office in Iran that issues visas to the U.S. like the Islamic Republic's does in Washington? No? Than, not only Westwood "services" for IR consulate should be banned, but also its "den of spies" in Washington, DC should be closed and its terrorist staff should be deported back to Iran--or in the alternative to their native South Lebanon.
Doctor41 Block | Follow | 5 hours ago
I don't know if i should laugh or cry. Who is this lady?:)))
Ripple_Effect Block | Follow | 5 hours ago
Forgive me, Guita; I'm a bit slow. How soon we forget history of what?
Jahanshah Block | Follow | 4 hours ago
Thank you Guita. I hope the council will use common sense and avoid actions and statements that are clearly discrminatory. There are better ways of fighting the Islamic Republic than punishing law-abiding Iranian Americans.
Firedup Block | Follow | 4 hours ago
It should be up to the residents of to allow Westwood to be used by the Islamic Republic surrogates to infilterate their community. The leaders of the community also need to really push hard before their community is infested with IRI's agents.
Guita_Tahmassebi| 2 hours ago
Please submit your had proven facts proven in US courts of law or a case by FBI or Homeland security of espionage. Otherwise stop this crazy hysteria non -sense and yet dangerous witch hunt. Also these measures from Westwood Neighbor Council are just unconstitutional.
Firedup Block | Follow | 2 hours ago
Growing up in Westwood as a kid, this issue is very personal to me. I no longer live in Westwood but I urge the community to not allow this beautiful place turn into another hotbed of Toudehi, Hezbollahis and anti-semitic Iranians. The strong Jewish and muslim Business communities who have coexisted splendidly all these years should see right through this thinly veiled attempt to create division and pitting us against each other. I am appalled!
Anonymous_Observer Block | Follow | 2 hours ago
We will only provide court-approved, "iron-clad" proof against IR's terrorism when the IR proves proof, facts and federal court approved evidence showing that Neda Agha-Soltan was shot by foreign agents, that Dr. Hejazi was a BBC / MI6 agent and that tens of thousands of people that it has executed in the past 35 years were all causing "corruption on earth."
In short, Ms. Tahmassebi, you should know more than anyone else--as a lawyer--that a regime that doesn't provide basic human rights to its people does not need to be given "federal court" approved protection of laws in the United States.
I have to say that people like you are the best thing that has happened to the IR. You are appeasing it, whether you intend to or not.
Guita_Tahmassebi| 2 hours ago
Stay on topic and argue issues. Don't just shrill. What part of this part of this letter fall into Toudehi, Hezbollah and .anti-semitic? Travelling to Iran you are now assumed to be an IRI spy? What kind of hysteria is this? As attorney and a US citizen I uphold my first Amendment rights dear--way more important than your unfounded paranoia or hysteria. This has to stop. It is a witch hunt. There is no proof of any wrong doing. If you have facts bring them to the table. Otherwise go to therapy or Meds to take care of your paranoia.
Firedup Block | Follow | 2 hours ago
Like, I said, appalling. Everyone sees right through you. Shameful!
Anonymous_Observer Block | Follow | 2 hours ago
Since you're a lawyer, please allow me to use a bit of deductive reasoning with you. 35 years ago, the great Imam Rouhollah Al-Mousavi Al-Khomeini decleared the U.S. to be the Great Satan. It follows then that the First Amendment is a law of the Great Satan and is therefore, law of the Satan. And the great Islamic should not be associated with the protection of Satanic laws such as the First Amendment. Hence: Islamic Republic and its terrorist staff need to get the F out of the United States.
Guita_Tahmassebi| 2 hours ago
I abhor the Islamic Republic but a witch-hunt is not the answer. People should have the freedom to travel back and forth to Iran. Your circular tactics of "giving me the position" that I support IRI is sheer stupidity. That is because you can't argue facts with facts and I should bring proof that killed Neda? You would all get an F in elementary school with this kind of argument and supporting your arguments with facts. I am in US and hold dear my first Amendment rights. Your non-sense and tyrannical hysteria imposing is just like the Iranian govt. You mirror each other. You don't want to abide to a law and enforce your value on to others...
Guita_Tahmassebi| 2 hours ago
Hey Anonymous why don't you write a letter to Homeland security and FBI and take your fine deductive reasoning of Satan and tell them to act like Iranian govt and apply the same Iranian values here in US... I am sure they are working hard and need a good laugh... God what is so sad we have evil idiots in Iran ruling us and here we just have the " Village idiots".
Ripple_Effect Block | Follow | one hour ago
Tudeh party of Westwood.
Guita_Tahmassebi| 28 minutes ago
Oh whoa you are gift that keeps giving. I am sorry that asking you to come up with facts against my position reduced you to this Ripple effect. You make it easy for people to see what kind of a train wreck you are! Sorry you slipped so fast. Sorry this is not the appropriate place for you dark stupid misogynist perversion. Please seek help.
I don't want or know how to post the porn Nazi pic of Ripple effect but I am sure this filth fits better here. So please ask your friend to post it so Hamal you can practice your "freedom".
Guita_Tahmassebi, I am begining to feel sorry for you!