
‘The Obama administration’s strategy of punishing Russia with economic sanctions over the Ukraine crisis encountered a new complication on Monday with word that the Russians are negotiating an $8 billion to $10 billion energy deal with Iran, another country ostracized by American-led sanctions, which partly depend on Moscow’s cooperation to be effective.

The Obama administration has expressed anger about a previously reported negotiation between Iran and Russia, worth an estimated $20 billion, under which the Iranians would trade 500,000 barrels of oil a day for Russian goods.”

In light of the above news and with Putin's muscle flexing, perpetual land-grab in Ukraine and reestablishing Russia's hegemonic policies of the bygone days of Communism, this portion from a previous blog is posted again:

“Facts make it undeniable, what Russia historically failed to do with Iran, including the use of traitorous Toudeh Party; they’ve now achieved courtesy of messianic Islamist fascists, “reformers” and all.

In furthering Russian voracious appetite to extend her hegemony to the Middle East, for all intent and purposes, Iran has become Puti’s bitch. The ruling fascists might as well learn to play balalaika for the tsar.


Sanctions work, U.S. Senate, get to it!