Facts make it undeniable, what Russia historically failed to do with Iran, including the use of traitorous Toudeh Party; they’ve now achieved courtesy of messianic Islamist fascists, “reformers” and all.

In furthering Russian voracious appetite to extend her hegemony to the Middle East, for all intent and purposes, Iran has become Puti’s bitch. The ruling fascists might as well learn to play balalaika for the tsar.

Above picture, Iranian constitutionalists hanged after Russian soldiers using field artillery attacked Iran’s nascent parliament.

The names of the murdered as reported by Kasravi, are:

Agha Mirza-Ali, Haj Sammad, Haji Khan and Mash-hadi Shakoor.

Kasrivi, the famed Iranian man of letters, historian and freedom fighter was particularly hated by the Islamists including Khomeini.  He was murdered inside the office of Tehran’s prosecutor by the Islamists connected to and glorified by the current rulers of Iran.