The crimes of this gang of Persian girls was so outrageously heinous, the prosecutors had to intervene right away.

Here is some background, as posted in a blog few days ago, a day prior to March 8, the International Woman’s Day, Islamist fascist made up Women’s Day was observed. To commemorate the occasion, Tehran municipality held a ceremony.

As part of the ceremony, a group of little Persian girls [picture above] performed a dance piece:IFrame

Following the ceremony, the Islamist fascists’ chief prosecutor announced he has ordered an investigation to find and prosecute the perpetrator(s) of this affront to “public chastity and morality.”

Here is what happened to the seven and eight year old girls as reported by Masoud Kazemi, a journalist in Tehran:

“The little girls who had danced at Milad Tower were summoned. To ascertain if anyone of them were older than 9, their birth certificates were examined. On Thursday, one of the little girls was held and interrogated from one in the afternoon till ten at night in the Vozara [security].

The little girl said they were interrogated as though they had committed murder in the Milad Tower.

Summoning and interrogating these children is one of the more shameful events of the recent years.”

All those who think these uber-misogynist, expansionist and warmongering Islamist fascists are “reformable” are either thick, or have a benefit in perpetuation of the myth.

Airtight sanctions, a la against the despicable South Africa apartheid, works. U.S. lawmakers get to it.

Ps. Masoud kazemi’s Twitter account has since been deleted.