Today is the International Women’s Day. To commemorate an Islamist fascist made-up version of this occasion, yesterday Tehran municipality held a ceremony.

As part of the ceremony, a group of little Persian girls [picture above] performed a dance piece.

Following the ceremony, the Islamist fascists’ chief prosecutor announced he has ordered an investigation to find and prosecute the perpetrator(s) of this affront to “public chastity and morality.”

As a reminder to the befuddled, grown men in the Islamist fascist ruled Iran legally “marry” seven and eight year old little girls. Many of the big shots in the Islamist fascist ruling cabal have married little girls. Ergo, any innocent dancing by them will look erotic to these pedophiles.

All those who think these uber-misogynist, expansionist and warmongering Islamist fascists are “reformable” are either thick, or have a benefit in perpetuation of the myth.



Airtight sanctions, a la against the despicable South Africa apartheid, works. U.S. lawmakers get to it.