It is coming out, drip by drip now, but, by the time  President Obama is out of the White House in few months, other revelations will help to complete Obama’s deceptive Iran narrative. The selling of the false premise, it is either my nuke deal or war.

An investigative report by David Samuels in NY Times Magazine in part reveals:

Above is from a recent blog about Obama administration’s deceptive Iran narrative.


“White House spokesman Josh Earnest angrily reacted to the suggestion that embattled Obama aide Ben Rhodes testify in a hearing on the Iran nuclear deal on Thursday.

“With all due respect to the chairman, if he has an interest in a hearing about false narratives as it relates to the Iran deal then I’ve got some suggestions for people they should swear in,” Earnest said.”

If Rhodes ignores the invitation to  testify under oath, he can be summoned to do so, and if he again refuses, then it is a matter of law which has prescribed severe punishments for disobeying legal summons.

It is only a matter of time,  details of Obama’s false narrative about his faulty legacy nuke deal with the Islamist Führer, in clear objection of the overwhelming majority of the representatives of the American people from both parties, will come out.


Sanction works, U.S. Senate, get to it.

Ps. Ben Rhodes, picture above,  is the White House source/connection of NIAC Lobby which does the bidding for the Islamist fascists –“reformers” and all.