An Iranian Islamist, Ahmad Sheikh-zadeh, who is in cahoots with the uber-misogynist, anti-Semite Islamist fascists –“reformers” and all, was indicted by the feds in New York.

One of the prosecuters in his case in the federal court is an assistant U.S. Attorney by the name of Tali Farhadian. Farhadian (picture ) is an Iranian Jewish lady.

Above is from a blog on 15 March, and below is from another blog on February 26, both in 2016.

Here is the core of Jahanshah Javid’s erroneous argument in defense of his imprisoned “friend” Siamak Namazi, who is documented to work very, and I mean very closely, with the Islamist fascists at the highest level:

“Many of you have and will critize Siamak for doing business in Iran, which obviously involves dealing with the government. A very ruthless and corrupt government. But there are literally millions of Iranians who work and do business every day, only to make a living and serve their country. Serving their country by helping foreign companies do business in Iran and do trade and invest in various industries.”

And here is the latest development. According to ISNA, on Sunday, Mohseni Ejei, the Islamist fascists’ judiciary spokesman, talked about “having heard here and there” the possibility of trading Ahmad Sheik-zadeh with Namazi father and son.

Given Obama administration’s practice of paying ransom and trading hostages for indicted and/or convicted Islamist fascists to save his faulty legacy nuke deal, the possibility of Namazis being traded in the few months left of Obama’s time in office is distinct.

Lets hope all Islamists' captives, including the Namazis, are unconditionally set free. And when Namazis are safe and sound in America, lets hope they fess up and answer those who criticize their documented close working relationship with the Rafsanjani gang within the Islamist fascist cabal.


Sanction works, U.S. Senate, get to it.