Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims, so goes a popular recent argument. Others have refined it thusly; Most Muslims are not terrorists, but most terrorists are Muslim.

The false premise of both arguments is not the point of this short write up.  However; with high profile terrorist operations by Muslim terrorists monopolizing the news outlets in the world, its frightening to see openly backing a call for “special ID for Muslims in U.S.” as Donald Trump, a presidential candidate has done, becomes plausible for some people.

Of course if the Islamic religious leaders, Muftis, Grand Ayatollahs and alike, break their shameful silence by issuing a joint statements unconditionally condemning all Muslim terrorists, opportunistic politicians with fascistic tendency would have much less of chance to fan the flames of religious bigotry.

I like to take this opportunity to suggest to Donald Trumps of the Western world to require Muslims wear an Allah badge. Then the parity of their diabolical idea of Muslim ID card becomes apparent with the Nazis and ID cards stamped with the letter J and having Jews wearing a yellow Star of David.


Sanction works, U.S. Senate, get to it.

Ps. after Obama legacy nuke deal with the Islamist Führer, the Western governments rushing in to do business with the uber terrorist Islamist fascist –“reformers” and, -all the while declaring the regime in Tehran as “the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism” - confuses other terrorists who think if they too commit as much crimes against humanity and warmongerings as the Islamist fascist, they too will be treated as equal by the West.