Farideh Farhi, formerly with the Foreign Ministry of the Messianic Islamist fascists, who is now on the Advisory Board of NIAC Lobby which advocates on behalf of the fascists, has recently come back to U.S. from a three months stay in Iran.

In a lengthy article she has published, to satisfy her colleagues in Iran, she is asking U.S. to bend over even further backwards.

Here is a snippet:

“Frankly, sitting in Tehran, it was hard to listen to various Obama administration officials’ frenzied explanations to the US Congress and Israeli government regarding how, even with the first-step agreement, Iran will remain in dire straits. It was hard to listen without becoming skeptical about the US political environment allowing an agreement that would also be acceptable to Iran. From the receiving end of all the nuclear chatter, the whole American demeanor on Iran appears imperious, even outright uncivilized; like people speaking calmly about the taking of others’ lives and imposing further economic misery on them as options that are still very much on the table.”

Needless to say, like other transplanted advocates of fascists, Farhi totally ignores her regimes uncivilized behavior, warmongering and terrorist activities, not to say the least the barbarity it metes out to the Iranian people on a daily basis and its overall crimes against humanity in Iran, Syria and other places.


Sanctions work, U.S. Senate, get to it!


p.s. the fact that Mashregh News, the site associated with fascists’ Intelligence Ministry having done an approving review of her write- up should be noted. Also, there is a Hossein Farhi who is a high ranking official in fascists’ foreign Ministry, his relationship, if any, with Farideh Farhi is not known.