aawsat.com, Amir Taheri :

The profile of Trump’s Cabinet indicates changes of the pendulum in a direction opposite the one produced by Obama’s wayward presidency. First, the pendulum will swing away from the expansion of the public sector favored by Obama and most dramatically illustrated by his so-called Affordable health scheme. If allowed to develop its full potential, the Obama scheme could mean the virtual nationalization of some 16 per cent of the US gross domestic product, a huge step towards a state-dominated economy.

Next, the pendulum will swing away from globalization. Trump does not want, and cannot, stop let alone reverse globalization. But he seems to want to modulate its rhythm and tempo to reduce its adverse socio-economic effects on sections of US society. Obama and Mrs. Clinton, however, were committed to expanding and speeding up globalization with a series of new trade deals covering the Pacific region and, later, the European continent.

The Trump presidency will also see the pendulum swing away from massive and systematic cuts in the United States’ defense capabilities. Rather than pursue Obama’s strategy of gradually disarming the US, Trump promises an ambitious modernization plan aimed at increasing the American military power and its global reach.

In foreign policy the pendulum is likely to swing away from Obama’s policy of wooing, and helping, America’s enemies while antagonizing her friends and allies.

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