Fred 's Recent Blogs
Iranians, hate & Israel tide / video
Fred | 5 years ago
4 1305
Thank you Trump/video
Fred | 5 years ago
11 1278
Misogynist Western women against Iranian women /video
Fred | 5 years ago
2 1124
Trump orders strikes on Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen | DW News
Viroon | 3 hours ago
0 35
Category: None
Yes indeed! DJT's followers put an end to some of these America hating whores by closing down the IRI's nest of agents! God bless DJT!
voting for Hillary means voting for the Republicans, and "the corporate America", and interests of Zionists in Israel and for Trump means voting for the silent American.....Voting for Sanders means voting for the oppressed American...Something like that..........
Having said all the above, I think due to the US global reach, every citizen on this planet should be eligible for voting in the US presidential election....And that's that...
If anyone has been listening to the debates closely and then compared what they heard in there vs what the spin that the media put on it, donlad did not sound any more fasictic than the rest, Heck, i thought Kasich was about to pull a rifle out and shoot a few rounds when he talked about restoring The American might.
He is more practical than all the rest of them. and that is a fact.
Mr Donald J Trump shall ride the wave of emancipation right thru to the White House . & No amount of fascist left , Fascist right & big brother corporate zionist fking media mafia & chicago-detroit arabomuslemoo isis blackshirts & arabo sabzollah lobby is gone stop Teflon Don.
Amazing African-American Pastor preacher Darrel Scot of Cleveland
"Donald J Trump is the hand of god bestowed to us to take us to the promised land"
AMEN brother amen!!!