Fred 's Recent Blogs
Iranians, hate & Israel tide / video
Fred | 5 years ago
4 1269
Thank you Trump/video
Fred | 5 years ago
11 1242
Misogynist Western women against Iranian women /video
Fred | 5 years ago
2 1098
Mass Deportations: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
Viroon | 7 hours ago
0 52
Category: None
Israeli military kills dozens of militants in weeks-long West Bank operation
Viroon | 7 hours ago
0 55
Category: None
!پادو های پاچه خار پیکرینگ
سه بی وطن معلوم الحال خودفروش و وطن فروش و دستمال چی حرفهای، با پنجاه شصت پیرو ابله بی کار و بی عار . که کار ۲۴ ساعتشون شده اینترنت بازی و التماس و نامه نویسی به برادر اوباما که دست از سر اربابشون علی خامنهای بردارد.
Brother Fred.
Is this Mr. Pickering a what our political scientist brothers and sisters call a "neo-con"? Not bthat it would make any difference, as these three Persian pussy cats would do the same for "Old-Con" tooo so long as the money is right. Anything to please the Master with the deepest pocket.