Ali Vaez, the director of Iran Project at the International Crisis Group (ICG), says Pompeo’s outreach effort is “an exercise in futility.”
“Iranian opposition in exile is too fractured, too disconnected from the country's realities, and basically beyond repair. Any alternative to the Islamic republic should be homegrown, not engineered in the Golden State (California),” Vaez said in an e-mail to RFE/RL.
Fred, I dont even need to know waht Trump says oer thinks, when I see every Jendeh and madar Jendeh overt and covert supporter of Ayatoolehs of Iran are are so desparately hoping for him to leave the office!!
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“Democracy will come to Iran when the people of Iran have their reckoning with their ruthless and incompetent rulers. Tragically, the new Trump strategy delays that reckoning,” Iranian-American author and historian Abbas Milani wrote in The Washington Post on May 30 in a piece co-authored with Michael McFaul.
Ali Vaez, the director of Iran Project at the International Crisis Group (ICG), says Pompeo’s outreach effort is “an exercise in futility.”
“Iranian opposition in exile is too fractured, too disconnected from the country's realities, and basically beyond repair. Any alternative to the Islamic republic should be homegrown, not engineered in the Golden State (California),” Vaez said in an e-mail to RFE/RL.
Fred, I dont even need to know waht Trump says oer thinks, when I see every Jendeh and madar Jendeh overt and covert supporter of Ayatoolehs of Iran are are so desparately hoping for him to leave the office!!