Two congratulations are due NIAC, the lobby which does the bidding for the Islamist fascists –“reformers” and all in America.

First Congrat, Thomas Picketing, a board member of NIAC Lobby, has got his main client’s deal through, that is, Boeing has got Obama’s approval to sell passenger planes to the warmongering Islamist fascists, planes which can also be used for nefarious purposes.

Here is Pickering (picture above) in his own words:

“I was a Boeing employee from 1/2001 to 6/2006,” he emailed. “I was a direct consultant to Boeing from 7/2006 until 12/2015 when contract for consulting was moved to Hills for my work.”

In other words; Islamist fascist NIAC lobby Pickering should not start counting the zeroes in front of his hefty commission, there might be a chargeback.

Above is from a series of previous blogs, for example here, here and here, on the activities of the NIAC lobby in relation to procuring airplanes for the Islamist fascists. Latest news:

“Brian Hook, a U.S. State Department policy director and lead U.S. negotiator, told reporters on March 21:

“I said to them, you use your commercial airlines to move terrorists and weapons around the Middle East, including to Syria, and we will not issue licenses at the expense of our national security,”

At the risk of being repetitious, Islamist fascist NIAC lobby Pickering should not start counting the zeroes in front of his hefty commission, there might be a chargeback.

Airtight sanctions, a la against the despicable South Africa apartheid, works. U.S. lawmakers get to it.