As the Trump administration’s abandonment of the disastrous appeasement policy of Obama era becomes more apparent by the day, standing up to the warmongering, hegemonic and uber anti-America/Israel Islamist fascists -”reformers” and all – who brutally rule over Iran-  gets to be a distinct possibility.

During Obama’s time in office, many Islamist fascists, some with criminal past and/or family ties to Islamist fascist terrorists, were admitted to enter and settled in U.S.

There are currently many of these Islamist fascists in America openly propagandizing pro-Islamist fascist cause, ie, daily anti-American/ Israel diatribe, giving the impression to be speaking for the Iranian-Americans at large.

Given Trump’s anti-immigrant tendency, and American's justifiable fear of Islamist fascist terrorism, should a faceoff with the warmongering, international terror sponsoring Islamist fascists escalate to open warfare, then Iranians residing in U.S. will be in jeopardy.

Isn’t it time for deporting Iran Islamist 5th column in U.S.?

Isn’t it time to have Islamist fascists' lobbies in America, like NIAC Lobby, register under the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA)?


Sanction works, U.S. House, get to it.