Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party’s presumptive nominee for the 2016 U.S. Presidential election, has announced Virginia senator Tim Kaine as her pick for VP.

This is excellent news for Islamist fascist -“reformers” and all - and their lobbies like NIAC.

Kaine is a diehard supporter of Obama’s faulty legacy nuke deal with the lifetime Islamist Führer. He is also a darling of lefties like multi billionaire Soros who is behind many outlets in the West propagandizing for the “reformist” faction of the Islamist fascists.

As frightful as Trump presidency is, Hillary with such VP is not anymore appetizing.

For having their kinda man picked to be VP by Hillary, I like to take this opportunity and congratulate folks at NIAC Lobby.


Sanction works, U.S. Senate, get to it.