Confessions of Jafar Shafie Zade (جعفر شفیع زاده), who rose from a butcher shop helper to become Khomeini's (may he rot in eternal hell) personal guard is a great read as slimic regime celebrates 40 years of blood, murder and plunder.

This is specially useful for those with endless political confusion or blind hatred of Shah and Pahlavi's, to get insight into filth, slime, and sewage that was birth the place of slimic regime; from an insider's insider perspective.

Jafar tells story of getting recruited to serve and look after bunch of opium smoking, boozing, prostitute playing mollas and soon after getting trained in Syria, and how he was picked by Hafez Asad's top army trainers because they recognized he was welll suited to being a mercenary. They observed that Jafar had no sense of guilt or remorse as tested by executing people....Later he talks about his sex escapades with Ghotb Zadeh...

Here is free pdf of the book

در پشت پرده های انقلاب عنوان کتاب خاطرات جعفر شفيع زاد، بچه قصاب قهدریجانی است که نخستین بار در سال ۲۰۰۰ در آلمان منتشر شد

او یکی از اعضای بادی گارد ایت الله خمينی بود که در سال ۵۶ در سوريه بدستور قطب زاده؛ ابراهيم يزدی؛ بنی صدر و…. دوره آموزش نظامی مخصوص و چريکی گذرانده و از زندان اصفهان و روستای قهدريجان به فرانسه و
دمشق و ليبی (طرابلس) فرستاده میشود

and a 10 minute audio read...

It exposes almost every known character of the rapist republic from Beheshti and Khalkhali to Khomeini himself for pieces of shit they are at the core, and the extent of global coordination against Iran and Shah.