It is a bitter truth, which like an albatross is hanging around the neck Iran, Iranians and ultimately the free-world.

Some Iranians do not like to discuss this truth, they always try to avoid it by any possible means.

Nowadays after many years of fruitless advocacy of “reforming” the unreformable Islamist fascism rule in Iran, mostly by the lovelies living in the free-world, the abject failure of  the exercise in futility is undeniable, which has only succeeded in piling up more irreplaceable losses in blood and treasure.

In this atmosphere, there are those who claim to be against the Islamist fascist rule in Iran, and yet, dismiss any and all alternatives to it and are vehemently against sanctions with the aim of regime change by Iranians, the kind that emancipated South Africans from the despicable and unreformable Apartheid.

To solve this enigma of Iranians who are opposed to Islamist fascists, and yet, oppose any and all efforts to replace it will go a long way in understanding their train of thought.

Hollywood actress Nazanin Boniadi, a human rights activist puts it this way:

“Utterly confused by people who admit that the IRI is a repressive theocracy that commits atrocities, while condemning Iranians who are calling for an end to said theocracy.”

And this is the response form London based Azadeh Mo’aveni:

“This is disingenuous trading in nonsense language — what does ‘calling for an end’ mean? Advocating regime change that in any scenario will involve vast bloodshed, untold destruction and leads to a foreign installed MKO/RP regime or an IRGC takeover? Hope this helps w/confusion.”

In other words; even RP (Reza Pahlavi) is worse than Islamist fascists, ergo, one must live with the Islamist fascists until they evolve.

Airtight sanctions - which includes oil - a la against the despicable South Africa apartheid, works. U.S. lawmakers get to it.