Sanction is a time tested tool in all aspects of life. When applied justly and correctly, it produces the desired outcome.

In relations between nations, sanction provides a nonmilitary avenue to apply pressure to change an undesirable behavior and/or oust an unreformable governing system.

As a forthright proponent of backbreaking sanctions, ala Apartheid South Africa, against the unreformable, warmongering Islamist fascists, I’m constantly perplexed by the anti-Semite, aka anti-Zionist Islamist fascists and their minion in the West.

On one hand Islamist fascists and their likeminded categorically condemn any sanctions on the warmongering, uber misogynist Islamist fascists, and with the same breath demand sanctions against Israel, aka, the Zionist cancer.

What gives?


Sanction works, U.S. Senate, get to it.

Picture above; Islamist fascist long-range missile with the writing in Persian and Hebrew saying: “Israel must be wiped from the face of the earth.”

Ps. Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East, is Iran’s historic, cultural and strategic ally. As soon as Islamist fascists are retired, the reestablishment of the alliance between these two great nations will establish peace and stability to the region and beyond.