Argentina’s new president, Mauricio Macri, has vowed that he will ask lawmakers to cancel the country’s 2013 memorandum with Iran to probe a deadly 1994 bombing.

The July 18, 1994, attack on the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association (AMIA) building in Buenos Aires killed 85 people. Over the lengthy 20-year investigation into the incident, Argentina has officially accused Iran of involvement three times, but Iran has always denied the accusations.

Under a memorandum agreed to in January 2013, Iran and Argentina agreed to establish a “truth commission,” comprised of five independent judges — none of whom would be either Iranian or Argentinean.

Above is from the news of the latest twist and turn in the terrorist attack, which even the former Argentine Foreign Minister who signed the stupid memorandum admits the terrorists were in the pay of the Islamist fascists –“reformers” and all.

The Islamist fascists have much blood on their hands. Their terroristic activities and trail of blood covers the entire planet. From Asia to Africa, from U.S. to all of Americas and certainly Europe, no one and nowhere has been immune from Islamist fascists’ terror.

There will come a time when lucrative trade and business deals will not be enough to whitewash all the misery Islamist fascists have heaped on many. As sure as the sun rises every day, the time for the Islamist fascists –“reformers” and all- to face international justice will come.

For now victims in Argentina and many, many other places around the globe will be crying out for justice. However, the time will come when the terrorists will be crying for mercy at the International Criminal Court.


Sanction works, U.S. Senate, get to it.