There is a remarkable Persian food cooking channel on YouTube, in which a non-pretentious cook provides very decent and accurate instructions on how to make Persian food.  A few months ago, I wrote to her and asked about her background. The following is our exchange. I think everyone should go to her YouTube channel, take a look around, and subscribe to her channel if they find it useful. Please also tell your Iranian and non-Iranian friends about Marki. She could save a lot of people a lot of hassle through her cooking videos. I can’t wait to see her cookbook sometime soon!


Hi Marki!

I hope this finds you well.  I must say I am very impressed by your cooking videos!  I would like to have some information about you so that I can let my friends know about you.  Are you Iranian, or do you just like Persian food?  Did you study cooking? Where?  How did you learn about Persian food?  Do you have a cookbook?

Sorry for being so nosey!  I need it for a good cause!

Take care,



Hello Nazy!

Thank you so much for sending me an email. I apologize for taking so long to respond. I don't check this email account as often as I should. So onto your questions...

No, I'm not Iranian, my boyfriend and his family are. I do LOVE Persian food, I cook it more than I cook American food.

No, I did not formally study cooking. However, if you consider learning to cook in your boyfriend's Mother's kitchen as a form of studying, then I'm a Ph.D (just joking). :) I learn all of my cooking from my boyfriend's Mother as I previously stated. She is a wonderful woman who is gracious enough to share her recipes with me.

Unfortunately, at this time I do not have a cookbook. Although, I would love to have one in the near future. I hope I answered your questions sufficiently. I hope you're have a great day and I want you to know that I truly appreciate your support and encouragement. :)

Best wishes,




The Cooking With Marki channel on YouTube:

This is Marki’s latest video, Ab-Goosht (Lamb and Vegetable Stew):