To Mahmoud Dowlatabadi*
No! This red tie
Cannot protect you
As a talisman would
And cannot make you a secular intellectual
At the breaking-fast dinner of a sharia state,
Nor turn the bloody table of the theocracy
Into the simple dining cloth of Aunt Belqays.*
Being secular
Is not simply shaving a beard
And wearing a tie.
It is belief in separation of mosque and state.
It is respect for freedom of religion and nonreligion.
While in front of the mirror
Shaving and wearing your tie
Did you ask yourself why
With a blade as sharp as your razor
They tortured Soltanpour*
Before executing him
And with a rope as long as your tie
They squeezed Mokhtari’s throat?*
I wish you had broken
Your fast at home,
Although I once said:
“In a country where religion
Is a tag on state crimes
To break fasting laws
Looks more meaningful
Than fasting itself.”
Majid Naficy
June 6, 2018
* An Iranian writer who recently was invited to a breaking-fast dinner with President Rouhani.
* A matriarch in the novel “Kelidar” written by Dowlatabadi.
* Saeed Soltanpour, a poet and playwright executed by Khomeini in June 1981.
* Mohammad Mokhtari, a poet murdered by the theocracy on December 3, 1998.
به محمود دولتآبادی
نه! این کراوات سرخ نمیتواند
چون بلاگردانی
ترا حفظ کند
و سر میزِ افطارِ دولتِ شرعی
از تو روشنفکری عرفی بسازد
و خوانِ خونینِ ولایت را
به سفرهی سادهی بلقیس برگرداند.*
عرفی بودن
به سادگیِ تراشیدن ریش
و بستن کراوات نیست
باور داشتن به جدایی دین از دولت است
ارزش نهادن به آزادی دینی و بیدینی است.
وقتی روبروی آینه
ریش میتراشیدی
و کراوات میبستی
آیا از خود نپرسیدی چرا
با تیغی به تیزی ریشتراشت
سلطانپور را پیش از تیرباران
شکنجه کردند
و با ریسمانی به درازای کراواتت
گلوی مختاری را فشردند؟
ایکاش روزهات را
در خانه گشوده بودی
هر چند یکبار گفتهام:
"در سرزمینی که دین
برچسبِ جنایتهای دولتی است
روزهخواری از روزهداری
پرمعناتر مینماید.
مجید نفیسی
ششم ژوئن دوهزاروهژده
* بلقیس نام مادرِ گلمحمد در رمان "کلیدر" اثر دولتآبادی است.
From Partow:
"Thank you Majid jaan. This is really meaningful, and beautiful."
From Saeed Rahnema:
"Very Nice!"
from Manouchehr:
"My dear Majid,
I am proud of you , and enjoyed your beautiful poem which strongly pointed at Dowlat Abadi, and Dowlat Abadis' shameful, and ugly behaviors .
Power to you my GREAT MAJID ,
from Mohsen:
"Majid jan thanks for sharing with me this touching poem which shows how important was not to attend the fast breaking of Rouhani."
from Mehdy: "a beautiful political poem."