Conrad Black:

Anti-Trump mainstream media in the U.S., joined by their fatuously chirping Canadian counterparts, are failing the general public

The American media, joined by the fatuous imitative chirping of the Canadian media (not that Americans would be aware of or have the slightest interest in what the media or anyone else in Canada thought of anything), regularly imply or state that the U.S. government is being run autocratically by a thuggish individual unfit for his great office. Robert De Niro wants to send the president to prison in a comedy skit; Kathy Griffin, whose opening gambit was a still photograph of the president’s severed head, is now lampooning his entourage in predictable simulations. Desperately unoriginal and mouthy occupants of late-night purported comedy — Bill Maher, Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, Chelsea Handler — imagine that shouting rehashed denigrations of the president and his family are amusing. It is a bore; it isn’t working, and history moves on.

Surveys confirm that 90 per cent of the national media coverage of Donald Trump is hostile
Pew Research Center and Harvard Media Studies surveys both confirm that 90 per cent of the national media coverage of Donald Trump is hostile, but he is accomplishing his stated goals, slowly. The asinine Dodd-Frank financial strangulation law, which enacted the bipartisan dual-branch official American pretence that private greed rather than unspeakable governmental incompetence was responsible for the 2008 financial meltdown, is being repealed. The Secretary of State-designate has returned from a secret visit to North Korea that appears to presage the most ambitious American diplomatic activity since president Reagan’s arms-reduction talks with president Gorbachev (1988), or even president Nixon’s accord with Mao Tse-tung and Chou En-lai (1972).

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