At a moment when tensions seemed to be thawing between the two countries, Siamak Namazi, 45, was arrested last October during a trip to visit his family in Tehran. His 80-year-old father, Baquer, was imprisoned in February. Authorities have yet to announce any charges against them.

Bijan Khajehpour, a former business partner of Namazi and a cousin by marriage, traveled to Washington this week to meet State Department officials and lawmakers and raise the profile of a case that’s been overshadowed by the international agreement on Iran’s nuclear program.

“There must be something (the Americans) can offer, “ he said. There could be another prisoner swap, he suggested, or Washington could remove some firms from a sanctions list or persuade some banks to allow some Iranian transactions. “There are things that are not very costly that we can offer which would probably go a long way” to breaking the impasse, he said.

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