Although it does not make a bit of difference, the news media across the board call it unexpected, it was not.

The soon to be out of office Obama refusing to sign into law the extension of sanctions against the warmongering Islamist fascists -”reformers” and all- which passed both Houses of Congress, 99-0 in Senate and 419-1 in the House, making Obama’s veto an exercise in futility, is fully inline with his doing anything to keep his faulty legacy nuke deal with the Islamist Führer afloat

No matter all the crimes against humanity that Islamist fascists committed in Syria and elsewhere, no matter how many international terror operations of theirs were discovered, no matter how many times they openly renew their vow to have their Islamist flag fluttering in all corners of the world, it had no effect on Obama’s Chamberlainesque appeasement policy.

In other words; Islamist fascists had publicly told Obama not to sign the sanction bill, this symbolic refusal to sign the will of the representatives of the American people into law is Obama’s last kowtow to the warmongering, uber anti-America unreformable Islamist fascists in Iran.

Sanction works, U.S. Senate, get to it.