The number of U.S. Senators who have declared their intention to back President Obama’s legacy nuke deal with the Islamist fascist Führer has passed the needed number to sustain a veto.

Few more senators will make it possible to use filibuster tactic, which will force the plan to the majority of Senators unwilling to go with the program.

As of now 3 U.S. Senators from President Obama’s party have had the courage of conviction to come out against this flawed nuke deal.

This Obama legacy nuke deal, for all intents and purposes, accepts the world’s most active state sponsor of terrorism as a de-facto nuclear state with nuke bomb making infrastructure left intact.

There will come a time when these 3 Democratic Senators who at great political cost, and others that might come later, will be hailed as those who said NO to the bad deal for America, hapless Iranian people and the world at large.

Remember Chamberlain’s disastrous Berlin agreement which at the time was opposed by the few who later were proven to be right on the money.


Sanction works, U.S. Senate, get to it.