Asking for humanitarian Intervention in Syria to stop the endless pogroms by the Quds force of the Islamist Revolutionary Guard and Syrian Battists is a bad idea and has been branded as warmongering.

However, now that the unchecked Syrian bloodletting has spilled over into Iraq, pumping in more arms and intervention in Iraq is A-OK and being touted by NIAC lobby’s lifetime president and his Swedish countryman with the same connection to the Islamist fascists in Iran.


Is the blood of Syrian men, women and children less valuable than those of Iraqi’s?

Or, when it comes to protecting the core interests of Islamist fascists –“reformers” and all- contradictory positions make sense?


Sanctions works, U.S. Senate, get to it!


Picture above; “A sea of hungry, haunted faces looks out from a massive queue that snakes through the bombed out Yarmouk refugee camp in southern Syria.”