For the past 35 years, rallying cry for “the plight of the Palestinians” has been the binding crazyglue, the common denominator between the ruling uber-international terrorist, weaponized nuke acquiring messianic Islamist fascists – “reformers” and all- and other rabid anti-Semites including the lefty peacenik lovelies.

Of course, nothing could be further from the truth. Neither the 35-year Palestine-centric policy of the fascists, nor the crocodile tears of the peaceniks have anything to do with the welfare of the Palestinians and instead, it is just a ruse for displaying their innate anti-Semitism.

If you have any doubts, read the UN’s report from Yarmouk Camp, which has been under siege by the Syrian Battists assisted by the Fascists’ Revolutionary Guards and their Lebanese terrorist houseboy Hezbollah. The Palestinian inhabitants are being starved to death.


Have you heard a peep about Yarmouk atrocity from the usual Palestinian-inclined?


Sanctions work, U.S. Senate, get to it!


ps. do not hold your breath for these lovelies’ condemnation of Russian military invasion of Ukraine.