

The above sets of tweets in response to the recent nuke negotiation are from two lifetime leaders.

The top one is the lifetime leader of NIAC Lobby, who works for the core interests of the messianic Islamist fascists –“reformers” and all.

The bottom one is from the lifetime leader of the messianic Islamist fascists –“reformers” and all.

Do you see the resemblance in the lifetime leaders’ language about France, the presumed stumbling block in the nuke deal the fascists and their lobby want so bad?

BTW,  as he does in his book(s) and articles, the lifetime leader of NIAC does not name all the persons he quotes to back up his bogus claims, as in the above "French scholar"  qoute. Taking a page from him, how about this:

A vice squad detective told me last week, to pay for his outings with high-priced escorts, a certain lifetime leader of pro-fascist lobby is into selling his services to anyone with money no questions asked. Dunno, but looking at the two tweets, I was reminded of his words today.