News about the newest NY Times’ Iran tour guide:

“Dr. Philip Gordon, who was the top National Security Council official focused on the Middle East during the negotiation of the Iran nuclear deal, has a long history of expertise on the country and the region.  As White House Coordinator for the Middle East, North Africa and the Gulf from 2013-15, Phil advised President Obama on U.S. relations with Iran and coordinated U.S. policy toward Iran on bilateral relations, regional issues, and the nuclear deal.”

As was said three years ago; enjoy your luxury trip to a land where women are legally classified as second class citizens and are forced to wear Hijab, gays, Baha’is, journalists, activists … are persecuted.

And should you run across a public hanging or limb chopping and see it from the comfort of your sightseeing tour bus, consider it as a bonus experience included in your $7000.00 trip charge.

Above is a blog posted two months ago. With the new wave of Iranians nationwide peaceful demonstrations against the unreformable, expansionist and warmongering Islamist fascist rulers of Iran, the do nothing Obamites are out in force advising America do to NOTHING as Obama did back in 2009.

Here is Phillip Gordon, Obama administration’s top NSC focused on Iran, who is now New York Time’s Iran luxury trip tour Guide, in an opinion piece in where else the New York Times, advising Trump to NOT support Iranian demonstrators:

“One reason to worry that Mr. Trump may try to seize the moment by championing the protesters is that it has become an article of faith among President Barack Obama’s critics than in 2009 he missed a golden opportunity to do just that, when many Iranians took to the streets after a disputed election result. But it was never clear what difference American rhetorical support would have made then, other than allowing the Iranian government to depict the protesters as American lackeys, giving the security services more of a pretext to crack down violently.”

Of course the NYT’s Iran luxury trip tour guide neglects to say the Islamist fascists DID “depict the protesters as American lackeys” even without Obama’s backing. And the bloody crackdown in 2009 was done while Obama was secretly writing personal letters to the Islamist fascist Fuhrer asking for his friendship.

Rewriting history has never worked, it will not work for Obama either, truth of his disastrous appeasement of Islamist fascists cannot be hidden no longer.

And here is another Obamites who is blunter in stating Obama policy by saying “we don’t need regime change in Iran”:

Airtight sanctions, a la against the despicable South Africa apartheid, works. U.S. lawmakers get to it.

Picture above; Gordon at NIAC,the Islamist fascists' lobby in America.

Here are streets of Iran where Iranian people back in 2009 were chanting "Obama, Omaba, you're either with us or with htem (Islamist fascists), which Obama chose the Islamist fascists with the lame justification that now his people are pushing again for NOT supporting Iranian people: