The Wall Street Journal reports:

“The Central Intelligence Agency has established an organization focused exclusively on gathering and analyzing intelligence about Iran, reflecting the Trump administration’s decision to make that country a higher priority target for American spies, according to U.S. officials.

The organization, dubbed the Iran Mission Center, will include CIA analysts, personnel and specialists to support the CIA's abilities on the matter, including covert action.”

I like to take this opportunity to point out number of points:

- Given the history of pervious disastrous CIA “covert action” in Iran - the 1953 operation TPAJAX, which short-circuited Iran’s nascent attempt at democracy – the mere publicity of this new CIA Mission Center is a gift to the Islamist fascists’ propagandists  and lobbyists like NIAC Lobby.

- In the absence of an Iran policy, which has been the case for the past 38 years in successive American administrations from both parties, the new CIA Mission Center will be just duplication of what NSA, DIA and the other alphabet soup of intelligence agencies are already doing.

- If and when the sane world being led by America decides it has had enough of Islamist terrorism, and correctly identifies the chief culprit as being the warmongering, uber- international terror mongering Islamist fascists –“reformers” and all- then it can rely on the biggest and best motivated army of analysts, personnel and specialist, aka, the fed up Iranian people.

In other words; Iranians are eager to do the heavy lifting of retiring the unreformable Islamist fascists. But, like all other nations who have been emancipated from the yoke of a bloody tyranny, they need help from the free world. And more urgent than that, not having their oppressors be fortified with means to continue their bloody rule, be respected and deals be cut with them by the very nations who claim to be against tyranny.


Sanction works, U.S. Senate, get to it.

As a reminder, at the risk of life and limb, people of Iran were shouting their readiness, alas, the wrong side was chosen:

"Obama, Obama, you are either with us or with them (Islamists)