The Albuquerque Journal:

Lawrence W. Gernon is a former senior diplomat for the U.S. Department of State. 

The Trump administration is on the verge of leading us into a war with Iran. So, who are the benefactors of an escalated conflict?

Certainly not the Iranians. Those most interested in escalating the conflict, aside from the hawks within the Trump administration, include the Saudis, the Emiratis and Israel’s right-wing government under Benjamin Netanyahu. The Saudis would use the war to enhance their power position in the Gulf vis-à-vis Iran. Israel hopes that the war would reduce Iran’s support to Hezbollah, Israel’s arch enemy on its northern border.

Less than 11% of America’s imported oil comes from Saudi Arabia. Canada provides the bulk of U.S. imported oil. So, if it is not about oil, then what are our security interests?

Since 1950, the United States has earned over $90 billion in arms sales from Saudi Arabia. Our legislators – regardless of party affiliation – and citizens need to realize the current administration’s clamoring for yet another war in the Middle East is based on fabricated and misguided “intelligence.” Our endeavors in Iraq and Afghanistan have failed, lives of our soldiers and civilians sacrificed for naught! This is not the time to be misled into a conflict of our making with Iran.

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