"Despite all that happened to me I have no regrets, I am proud of having served my country under the former regime. I like to think that what my generation achieved will one day be appreciated."

No Regrets: I am proud of having served my country under the former regime Abdol Madjid Madjidi's Interview with Cyrus Kadivar (April 12th 2002)

"Despite all that happened to me I have no regrets,I am proud of having served my country under the former regime. It was I who introduced the practice of regularly adjusting the minimum wage. I initiated so many social and humanitarian programs. I served as Secretary General of the Red Lion and Sun Society. I devoted so much time and effort in the field of art and culture. At thirty-six I reformed Iran's national budget system and prepared and implemented successfully 9 national budgets. I like to think that what my generation achieved will one day be appreciated."