Eurasia Daily Monitor:

Paul Goble

The United States’ sanctions against Iran and the unwillingness of most Caspian littoral states to challenge them have sent Tehran’s maritime trade in this sea plummeting over the last two years, reducing its non-petroleum component by half (Financial Tribune, May 27, 2019). But that has only inspired the Islamic Republic to expand its efforts to develop trade with Central Asian countries and, through them, with China by developing rail links with that region. The Russian Federation has shown itself more than ready to help in this endeavor, not only by expanding these rail networks but by modernizing them through electrification (, February 18, 2020).

When the five Caspian littoral countries agreed, in August 2018, on the delimitation of the inland sea, most people expected that both shipping and undersea energy pipelines would lead to a dramatic expansion in intra-regional trade and that the sea would become a major transshipment point for broader east–west trade as well (see EDM, November 7, 2017;, September 29, 2019). Indeed, that trade has been increasing dramatically, but the imposition of sanctions on Iran by the US and the general willingness of the countries along the coast of the Caspian to abide by them has meant that Iran has not benefited as much as it expected: trade in the region has increasingly bypassed it.

That has had three consequences. First, it has undercut Iran’s aspirations to become a regional player economically and especially to become an expanded part of the east–west trade between Europe and China. Second, it has undercut Russia’s aspirations to build a north–south trade corridor via Iran that would help Moscow restore and expand its influence in the South Caucasus and Central Asia. A functioning transcontinental north–south transit corridor would have offered the Russian government a new trade weapon in the region as well as ensured that Moscow would remain the most important land corridor for trade between Europe and the Far East. And third, it has led Tehran to launch a major effort to build rail lines into Central Asia enabling countries in that region to ignore US sanctions and expand trade with Iran. To those ends, Moscow is helping Iran.

Mohammed Eslami, Iran’s transportation minister, recently announced that Tehran is working to transform a city along the railroad corridor extending from Iran into Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan into a free economic zone. Moreover, Iran will construct over 1,000 kilometers of new track over the next two years to expand this connection. It expects traffic will rise on this route by 20 to 30 percent over that period (, February 11, 19). If Tehran is able to fulfill these plans, the rail lines will make up for much of the losses in the Caspian Sea trade and Iran will be in a better position to achieve its goals in Central Asia and with regard to China.

Iran began working on the development of this rail network in 2018. Progress has been relatively slow because the line must pass through a mountainous area and thus is quite expensive. Now, however, Iran has a new partner: the Russian Federation. On February 12, Kazem Jadali, Tehran’s ambassador in Moscow, and Vladimir Tokaryev, Russia’s transportation minister and head of the Iranian-Russian Cooperation Working Group, met in Moscow. Together, they announced an agreement on a Russian assistance package to Tehran to complete the most important part of the rail link between Iran and Central Asia (, February 18).

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