I was thinking…what could have Shah done to have avoided the 1979 devolution? I wasn’t around at the time, but from what I have heard, seen, and read, and from my observation of the ultra-religious nature of the majority of the Iranian population (even today)—(and yes, don’t deny it. Iranians are a mighty religious bunch, even the vodka drinking ones), I think that Shah (or his son) would still be in power if he had taken these very few steps:

-Given every Iranian a free trip to Karbala;

-Given free “aash nazri” to every Iranian citizen once a week;

-Declared that Ashura could be celebrated twice a year instead of once—with mandatory “ghameh zani.”

-Made Mashhad or Qom the capital of Iran;

-Declared that he was a “seyyed” (most of them are fakes anyway);

-Worn a turban;

-Stopped taking a shower and grown a beard;

-Made an ayatollah his prime minister;

-Put Imam Hussein’s likeness on the Iranian flag;

-Declared Iran an Islamic empire;

-Replaced the Iranian legal code with Sharia law;

-Allowed Iranian men to marry multiple wives, and to have total control over their wives as the case is today;

-Badmouth the Jews on regular basis, and made freedom for Palestine his top priority;

-Made hejab mandatory.

I bet you he—or his son—would still be in power today.