Azazel’s concubine

by El Tanguero


Year after year

month after month

hour upon another

seconds … expanded in eternity’s cold hands

Enduring pain for the sake of gaining discipline

as means to amass power

as a tool, to chisel the spirit to the fine

to give love and by so, serving God

All in the name of god’s dictate

to protect, and direct mankind

I went all the way and did it all

and did that with no hesitations at all


Then, when it was the right time … my time

for me to reap the reward for all that I sow

you came along, and robbed me of it all

of the ONE, that I sought as my reward

Now back to square one

but with much more thought٫ heart and resolve

I collect the pieces of my being

that are laying around, all in distraught

This story is not mine

and not mine alone

as you are not the only

of many of the devil’s concubines


You sold your soul in moments of despair

not knowing that no bargains are made

with the devil that you find when going all out there

which was made for you all along

I did it too … I guess

maybe … but just to be seen

in picking you for a life

and all of those who came along

The difference remains in but these things



and of course, … a soul, noble enough

In deeds, you displayed your spirit and soul

all cheap, futile … lost without a heart

a perfect prey as you were for the devil

and anyone who came along


Laziness leads to the corrupt

filth and a sense of entitlement without a cause

and in a false sense of justice

you sabotage those with power and rob them all


As the old habit of all Neanderthals,

you follow the same maxim of

If I … me … cannot have it what others have

then let me destroy them, at any cost


Marx, with his Neanderthal Babylonian genes, inherited by the Khazars

forgot the very most important thing,

that the noble soul is immortal

and it prevails every time ... no matter of the time


Pain and delay for sure you caused

but progress can never be undone

as in the light, fire and the holy

I forever walk!


Say now ... you prostitute, of worse of the kind
seller of not your body, but your soul, heart, and a small mind
for a moment of solace, comfort, and hippie-like fuck


How will you endure the mother of it all
when in pain you will be hung at the gates of paradise
and denied the entrance into all that you ever dreamed about?


In purgatory you will walk
and in front of Eden will be hung
as you are none,

but a simple, cheap, and lousy of Azazel’s many concubines!


Jan. 2018, Wenzhou, China