Letter to the Editor

All too often history repeats itself and then life goes on!  The tragic death of George Floyd is one example.  An innocent life is lost by pure racist feelings, there are protests followed by unacceptable looting of commercial businesses and then forgotten until it happens again!

Why should we see such repetitive instances in our history especially in 2020!

Sure looting and burning of offices and commercial businesses is not acceptable and must be condemned.  But is that the only problem? My answer would definitely be NO!

When you hear hatred from the very top echelon of the US government then what do you expect!

Dr. Martin Luther King once said, “Let us all hope that the dark clouds of racial prejudice will soon pass away, and that in some not too distant tomorrow the radiant stars of love and brotherhood will shine over our great nation with all their scintillating beauty.”

He said this more than half a century ago. Are we any closer to his wishes? My answer would definitely be NO!

It is time for us to educate ourselves and our kids.  This is not acceptable and must end!

We need to reform the law enforcement system and improve police acts in public safety. We need to educate those around us that this is wrong. It is time for the people of the U.S. from all walks of life to mobilize and organize campaigns to demand justice, reform in police behavior, condemn the misuse of power, and finally find an effective “cure” for this cancerous tumor to empower solidarity, unity, and diversity in the U.S.

More than a thousand years ago famous Iranian Poet sa’di wrote these wisdom words:

"The children of Adam are the members of each other,
who are in their creation from the same essence.
When day and age hurt one of these members,
other members will be left (with) no serenity.
If you are unsympathetic to the misery of others,
it is not right that they should call you a human being."

Mehdi Amini
Vienna, Virginia